Thursday 26 July 2012

If every exhale was to let go

I would let go of all the pain my ear is causing me.

So yesterday, I got out of the pool and couldn't hear and this morning I could I worked earlier than my usual schedule which was odd, but I didn't complain. Before I clocked in I got this Massive migraine. I'm not one to get those and I know from experience it's a bad thing in general if I'm not commonly having them.

I figured I just hadn't slept as well, or my coffee was too strong this morning. Clocking in I was find for an hour and a half. At two thirty I got massive nauseated waves. I probably should've gone home, but My  shift today was only three hours, I told myself I could live and I did.

When I got home around three I started making myself dinner, my problem was when I went to get a snack for lunch I couldn't open my mouth with out sharp pain to my head and ear. I can't chew I can hardly talk at my mouths usual width. Then the headaches came back. So I did logical thing I took Advil for my ear cause It is swelled and tylenol for pain. For what seemed like hours, but only turned out to be three nothing changed. I figured I should seek help.

Problem with that conclusion if you don't have your health card you can't seek medical attention.It's not like the retired doctor down the street wants to look in your ear at 7pm. (I left my wallet in the parents truck and their eight nine hours away.) So, I called my mother. She's like a doctor almost, usually her deductions are exactly what my doctor says (She dropped out of med school to raise 7 children.)

 So, I called her.... I told her everything, (Secondly my pain tolerance is particularly high, my sisters always say "If she complains about it, it must be bad." Well.... I cried on the phone talking to my mom about my ear.  Not my proudest moment in history. I told her I was going to take another two Tylenol and sleep on my floor just in case the dogs can tell something is wrong it's a easy point to get to.

I watched 3 episodes of Andromeda, and I'm laying on my side because this is the  only way I find less painful. I don't know if I'll go to work tomorrow... I have to wait till tomorrow to see a doctor to because my mother is still out of town.

My conclusion I have swimmers ear.
Treatment less showers... question with the amount of times I shower does this make me more of a hippy or a hobo?

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