Friday 24 February 2012

Dreadlocks are Living Beauty not Dirty

I've dreamed for years on getting dreadlocks, I've let my mother have full control of my hair until I could tame a dandruff problem. So, naturally with moving out of the house I had decided to move into my own life, I've combated dandruff and tested my hair for having dreads. People I know who have dreads said my hair was perfect. So, I told my mother, she's my first and foremost best friend. It's as if a bomb went off in the house, silent and deadly. For the most part I had actually only taken hair cuts when my hair was long enough to donate to cancer. Is it wrong to be selfish with my own hair for once.
I've been pondering on how to show my mother that dreads are not dirty and disgusting, but rather than dying your hair their yours and they are pieces of Living Beauty:

Any Ideas on how to make my mother understand that Dread Locks are living beauty?

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Inspiration to study

Colour Makes me so happy.... :)

I’ve fallen madly in love with hair decor, hair accessories, and putting stuff in my hair. I put a some blue wraps in my dreadlocks the other day and tied in a feather. I also put in some dark green, light green, and natural hemp wraps. I love them. I’ve looked at lots of different colorful, decorated dreadlocks, and I’ve experimented with my hair. It’s terribly fun. 
So I'm going to start a mane of dred locks in the summer and allow them to grow for ten long years.

Just gonna say, Awesome.


I remember playing assassins Creed and doing this with ezio, but this is just awesome. 

The fact that I am afraid of wolves doesn't stop me from wanting a wolf dog for when I'm older :3

I don't think I could ever see behind me during the winter at lake superior.

I miss my surfers

I'm pretty sure this is how everyone should be....

My dad is going here next week... I'm jealous 

It is more likely that a Circus artist will hug you than a Turtle or the Earth...

Alright, Hiya,
Agenda for tonight:
1. Rant about stupidity.
2. Rant about Armark.
3. Update you on my life.

1. Alright, Yeah. It is more likely that a Circus artist will hug you than a Turtle or the Earth..... So, I'm part of the Peterborough Circus Arts Jam or Inner Spin Circus. Well, we had a Bake sale today, and I decided to post this on my University College system FaceBook site, because I thought it would help us.

Circus Jams Bake sale! OC out side of Wenjack! Baked Goodies ranging from 50 cents to 1$ come and support your local circus today, and today only! we're here from now to 6/7pm!

I just expected people to ignore it, but this Bitch posts bellow:

Wait, what? Support your local CIRCUS?
Everyone's raising money to like..
Save the environment, and the turtles and what not
And we're supporting the circus?

I wouldn't have so much of a problem with it, but the only reason I didn't let it down is because for the first time in a long time I support a cause. Even though we're circus folk we're great people. We're accepting and all we strive to do is make people happy. (By the way I'm known to be blunt and I don't care what I say out loud...) So I responded:

Yeah circus, people who preform because they enjoy preforming for you. Supporting isn't that hard and when you think about it, the likely hood of a turtle walking up to you and saying "Hey man, thanks for the twenty five cents to help my species survive." to a circus artist that works for smiles. It's way more likely that we (as the circus artists) will thank you rather than the turtles.
We're a non profit organization that's final goal is to create a circus that would tour Canada stay in Canada and go to every single community in Canada to allow every child to experience a big top circus in the finest environment possible. One other person who will probably thank you is the children that we brings smiles to. And personally I think that it is more likely that you'll feel better helping human kind instead of turtles. cause a hug from a human is more likely than a hug from a turtle or earth (earth may kill you when you get hugged by it btw.)

I loved it, I couldn't find anything wrong with what I said, except it was snarky but I was proving a point. But she responded:

Makes more sense now that I know you're PART of said circus :) But personally, I'd hug a turtle.

Now my biggest problem right now with it is.... If I wasn't part of the circus I wouldn't make the effort to post that up on our site. I was soooo tempted to bite back at her... But my good friend Jenna did me a favor and posted:

I don't think turtles like hugs

People are freaking stupid! That is my stupid rant... and By the way i don't think a turtle would hug her anyways.

2. I'm gonna rant a tiny bit about Armark the food provider at Trent this year....

Ok I know, we have the worst food in general, but today I had REAL BLUEBERRIES! OMG they were amazing! Victorious said they were on sale at no frills, but the this is, reading week is in three days and I don't see a point in actually buying any... But it was real food, and then I was eating the veggie I bought for OC (hard to be Vegan in OC) and they tasted like cardboard.... THEY ARE FEEDING US FAKE FOOD!

I'm so excited to live with Megan and make REAL FOOD!


I've failed two courses I'm on second semester and I'm amazingly smart! I've been crunching since the start of my semester and crashed yesterday slept in until 2pm and felt bad, I woke up to Olivia, Jenna and Karla banging at my door worried (Because I usually wake up at 6:30 for breakfast at 8:15 with the girls and I skipped out. I have one more Midterm, I think I'll study tomorrow and not go to Trojan war...

I'm vegan for month and actually accept for the no bread no cheese it's alright. I ate some veggies with butter on them today and gagged... I ; like the vegan thing cause you feel more clean...