Tuesday 31 July 2012

100% Water Proof!

Going Green Or Tuning into impluses?
I'm 100% waterproof!

I think I've changed, technically for the better. Since I had a disturbance. This thing of doing silly things when you want to, It makes you feel better. I just had a moment of feeling great. I love rain and it was pouring when I finished my coffee this morning. I Thought about it I needed to get ready for the day, because I'm back to work today. My ear infection is still present, but I'm going to leave the place soon and I need the money for school. I needed a shower. I was going to take a shower first because after my mom needed to put anti-biotic's in my ear which would wash out if I took a shower later.... But it was raining, I miss rain when we don't have it, and it's so natural and uncontrolled that my thought process was.

I just want to stand in it.

But I knew my mom would get mad and that would be the end of my blissful moments. So, I walked upstairs to my bathroom and saw this on my shampoo shelf It's My regular shampoo anyways. This stuff is great and I haven't been very good about my impulses as I usually am, though my impulses are more conformed and I don't do things usually because of judgement. I said to myself:

Lets stand outside.

It wasn't raining as hard when I got out there shampoo in hand, but I was determined to enjoy it. I finally after five minutes of standing got my hair wet enough to put the shampoo in and then the rain stopped.

MY GOSH, IT IS SO FUN. I have to keep going with these impulses, they're also generally Eco-friendly cause I'm a big nerd about that. I'm not exactly vocal with it, but I have these impulses and I just shun them cause of judgement.

My friend Olivia keeps saying I'm the most interesting person cause I don't care what I say usually. But I'm smart about my answers. I'm not a trouble maker, but I have the honesty is key and Say what's really on your mind thing going for me. I really don't want to care and the song Sea of No Cares really describes what I want to feel, what I am.

So I took a shower in the rain, the shampoo is completely Eco-friendly and I did the rest in the shower, but next time it's raining I'm going to do that.

Just follow your heart, as well as do homework.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Uneditted sample from Treason's Grave Council #2 book in series


The publication of the Ultra Light Encyclopedia of Everything that was on the ships system described Eddies as such:  Eddie, or Eddies were first found by dragons, due to heavy drinking and breathing fire during war time raids. Eddies are known to the known Galaxy of Triagulum and the milk way, though there are two different definitions.
It seems that to Milky Way inhabitants Eddies are most likely red haired men that are crazy and or rambunctious. Eddies are dangerous and not something you want to meet in the Milky Way. They tend to worm into your heart and then pull on your heart strings at dire moments causing the infected to try outrageous things. Not that in the Milky Way it was a big problem, the Human’s hardly knew about them and the Platorian’s were smart enough to decommission themselves as a planet therefore Eddies are suspected to had died out. Or are hiding on mars.
In the Triagulum they are more like unknown files or viruses. They are commonly found in gambling spots, and strip bars of Novenya. A small planet in the Athena System that is the teriary place where pirate’s will willingy visit. It was mainly populated by people who wanted to live on the edge of life and have generally succeeded due to the fact that Novenya is inching closer and closer to the edge of exsistance. Though the inhabitants don’t know, they are still the main creators of the Triagulum version of an Eddie.
The first time the eddie appeared it was a mispayment, or what the Cino casino waitress thought when she chased her attendee’s out of the establishment and told them about their bill. The fact was that to the older couple their niece had recently stolen their identity and was travelling around the internets, paying extra for other things. This unknown file of payment was from the niece, because she found the waitress hot. And she knew her from the local strip bar.
That was the start of Eddies, as they evolved they became more and more annoying and a Bobarian technician that was trying to isolate if this files evolved and what danger they would pose to the current government structure. The Bobarian was quite annoyed by the end of his study since he did figure out that these files often did evolve on their own and he quickly went into debt. The Bobarian however had recently taken a trip to the Milky Way for the best milk shakes in the galaxy and encountered a Milky way retired Eddie. In the first point two seconds of their meeting the Bobarian was reminded instantly of the files he studied and decided to give them a name. Eddie.
From then on Eddie’s are a subtronic life form that acts as if it’s a robin hood to what is closest to it that would like completely different things than the current computer form it is living in.
 For example the Crew of the Ifrit generally have this idea of getting home, but the ship that is currently following the Ifrit at a safe distance not to be detected by the Ifrit’s sensors would rather kill those aboard their ship. Or the ship itself, these people are very angry for no good reason. If an Eddie was to occur on the Ifrit, unless there were separate ideas of what the crew wanted the Eddie would stay on the Ifrit before being found a neutralized. Since currently they all have the general output that home would be anice thing the Eddie would prefer to donate what knowledge, money, insanity, or virus to the next crew which would be those of the angry nature.
Eddies often carry files with them, either ones they were brought up to exsistance with or others of which were stolen from their slow destruction. To the opposing crew the eddie could be beneficial of a nusense and this is generally why an AI such as Fritz would feel violated if the file made by Bo would have been an Eddie. 

Generally I think this is what an Eddie should look like: or around this lines

If every exhale was to let go

I would let go of all the pain my ear is causing me.

So yesterday, I got out of the pool and couldn't hear and this morning I could I worked earlier than my usual schedule which was odd, but I didn't complain. Before I clocked in I got this Massive migraine. I'm not one to get those and I know from experience it's a bad thing in general if I'm not commonly having them.

I figured I just hadn't slept as well, or my coffee was too strong this morning. Clocking in I was find for an hour and a half. At two thirty I got massive nauseated waves. I probably should've gone home, but My  shift today was only three hours, I told myself I could live and I did.

When I got home around three I started making myself dinner, my problem was when I went to get a snack for lunch I couldn't open my mouth with out sharp pain to my head and ear. I can't chew I can hardly talk at my mouths usual width. Then the headaches came back. So I did logical thing I took Advil for my ear cause It is swelled and tylenol for pain. For what seemed like hours, but only turned out to be three nothing changed. I figured I should seek help.

Problem with that conclusion if you don't have your health card you can't seek medical attention.It's not like the retired doctor down the street wants to look in your ear at 7pm. (I left my wallet in the parents truck and their eight nine hours away.) So, I called my mother. She's like a doctor almost, usually her deductions are exactly what my doctor says (She dropped out of med school to raise 7 children.)

 So, I called her.... I told her everything, (Secondly my pain tolerance is particularly high, my sisters always say "If she complains about it, it must be bad." Well.... I cried on the phone talking to my mom about my ear.  Not my proudest moment in history. I told her I was going to take another two Tylenol and sleep on my floor just in case the dogs can tell something is wrong it's a easy point to get to.

I watched 3 episodes of Andromeda, and I'm laying on my side because this is the  only way I find less painful. I don't know if I'll go to work tomorrow... I have to wait till tomorrow to see a doctor to because my mother is still out of town.

My conclusion I have swimmers ear.
Treatment less showers... question with the amount of times I shower does this make me more of a hippy or a hobo?

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Writen word fed by wine

     No, I didn't write poetry recently, but I find that when I drink wine by myself I strive to be with others. So remind me why I drank a glass of wine last night?

     I woke up at 9am yesterday after my mom left to help my sister move from North Bay ontario to Kingston Ontario. I woke up to do one thing, Write. 9am to 3pm I wrote. In such an awkward stage and still I haven't gained the perpolsion to kill a character. Damn it, I hate the character somehow and yet I can't kill her? 

        Well, I decided to take a swim, before hand I looked at the weather it was wet and rainy. The cold was bugging me most. In the absence of my swimming my Roommate for this upcoming school year we got to planning for our empty walls. http://www.etsy.com/listing/71397038/trapeze-duo-vinyl-wall-art-decal?

         We're a couple of Steampunks, but the trapeze one I thought was perfect, because we both hope to do stuff for the circus.... :3 One of my best roommates. I have two and they are both awesome!

    After I gained the courage to swim, I got out around 5pm and decided to have dinner, it was short and anxious. I wanted to write more, but my fictional writing flows better around 11pm. Or when I'm in class... usually Social Cultural Anthropology.

    I wanted to reward myself with a good job you added twenty more pages to your book, I used to write every night at least 2 paragraphs. I should get back to that. Anyways at the time I pours myself a shot glass of wine and sat down, I wanted to have it with someone like a congratulations you have completed twenty pages and you got through work today. It didn't happen instead I ended up on Chatroulette drinking a glass of red wine, but man people on there are boring. I don't see the fun in it. 

    So11pm came slowly, and I managed to get back to the book. I killed her yay! It's like a major relief to kill a character that annoys you that you can't relate or write about. I think that's why Shakespeare did it. He just couldn't relate hahaha. 

    Animenia is the next chapter name, because it's her moon that I will introduce a major player. I have to speed things up now I work at 8pm tonight so when I get back I'll write more, I have to go out with my best friend a pierce something. hahaha. And I woke up at 1pm from staying up until 1am. 

    I have some writting to do today of a different caliber it's for a friends birthday card, which generally always turns into a letter when I write cards. Luckily I found a card last night in the time between dinner and chatroulette that isn't happy birthday, but it is a card... I hate making cards hahaha. 

And just like that I'm busy again. 
Sarah E. Nemcsok

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Buy a heart attack or mild stroke for 2.99 plus tax

Hiya, so I work here:
I serve about 92 medium fries every six hours, and maybe 48 large fries. Small fries (which by the way is a serving of grain) is probably at 3 every six hours. I've never eaten McDonald's food and never plan to. Yes I work here, but it's a job. Here's a few problems with people who come to McDonald's.

First, don't complain that McDonald's makes your kids fat, if you take them here and force them to eat a big mac meal with a large fry you are actually making your kids fat. Don't blame the cashier I didn't bring your child out to McDonald's and give them a meal that is actually too much for any healthy human being to eat let alone a kid.

Second, fries. If they are cooked in grease and fried in grease and you think your going to be healthy without putting salt on your fries and then ordering yourself two large fries. You might as well order yourself a large fry with salt. I'm a cashier and a fry runner, not only are the fries greasy after they come out, but even in the frozen sack they're greasy, so before we even take them out and fry them in grease. The healthier choice would've had to be go to a grocery store and make yourself a salad with croutons and nuts. Half the calorie count and you don't have to worry about salt.

Third, woman! If they just came out of the frier they are as fresh as we are allowed to serve them if your taste buds don't work to taste the fries the right way it's your problem. Don't make me make you another two batches just so you know they are "fresh" to your standards.

Lastly, Fourth there was this woman last night and in the midst of five thousand orders hers really wasn't that bad... a large fry is 2.99 plus tax usually comes to 3.14 all together. At first her order seemed reasonable she wanted 4 double quarter pounder with cheese meals all with large fries all she wanted for drinks was two pops, she wanted it for here... So it was served, and then I was asked to go out and clean. I saw her out of the corner of my eye and in the back tucked in corner there she was, by herself it took me half an hour to clean the lobby, in which time she devoted that to demolishing her four meals... Later that night when I noticed she had left to got to timhortons beside McD's an ambulance arrived at timmies... someone had had a heart attack and when they were filling the ambulance I reconized the lady. I'm just saying, she came in every night it's like she wanted to have a heart attack last night. It's concerning... 

NOTE Don't complain to cashiers about you being fat your fries are wrong cause chances are you're just being a dick to someone else because you can't admit your self that you can't cook and we do everything for you.