Sunday 19 August 2012

Vladimir Putin... Gays, oppression, rights and riots.

The thing is that pride parades as nice as they are only spark more political oppression in certain places.... This is the first part of a post I was going to submit to a friends post containting this:

   It's not that I completely submit to the laws in Russian politics, but before I put my name on that I want to look at the back ground of things.
   From personal experience I know that Putin is the best thing since swiss cheese in Russia for the homeless and encouraging the old Russian culture. Something we are constantly forgetting, pride of our nation's feats. I know all about the Voyagers in Canada, but I know that because I went to the site (which by the way is not preserved by our nation anymore, and actually for the past seven years), I'm proud to sing voyager songs while I work. Not now that we are pretty open to gay rights, no I'm more proud of the Canadian french voyagers that made this land something that immigrants, could live off of.

   Russia is larger than Canada and is still going over new things that a lot of younger people my age think are slow, because our country is not as big. Hell we don't have a tribe of natives in our country that didn't know that civilization existed. ( ) We're modernized, but we have major downfalls when considering culture. So Putin does support culture and the most important thing on my list is that  he was one of the main people after the plank walling that has considered returning treasure of Priam after the treaty has expired to go to Greece with Germany's objection. This is what makes Putin a hero to me. Plus my great great grand mother who never really talked to us in the first place now has a place to live that isn't quite in the muddy slums.

     So I did research this morning too. First of all we can all agree that this year and last year has been the year of riots. Good and Bad riots. I've been part of two.... but there was finally a unspoken nod some where that we would just hold off on revolutions for a bit. Second Oppression isn't happening it people breaking laws that they know about, or in Maddonna's case bending a law cause she's famous and can to ANYTHING apperantly. I did just sit through a 4 hour interview of Vladimir and the opposition to understand what is happening in Russia to be sure of what I thought.

   Obama had said that under Vladimir's rule that the Russian's had always had one foot in the past and one in the future but Vladimir responded with wit and truth. "Russia does not have one foot in the past and one in the future we cannot be doing the splits. We are standing proudly on our feet facing the future." The question and answer period covered almost everything maybe nothing about the military, but who can blame them they're Russian.

  There was a question that was a beating around the bush from some one in Russia about gay rights and how they should deal with them why are there people going to jail etc.

 After both the Opposition and Putin talking to each other Putin replied
" A working group has been formed for this reason. This is going to be done. At the same time even with the reasources we have we still come up with the lack of concern.... This is true, but we shouldn't rush this into a witch-hunt. What is important at the time is that the municiple authorities are elected directly and voters should be precise about whom they elect. They shouldn't simply sell their votes to some local "quaisy-oliograhs" or their own proxies, they should elect people who are well known and are respected in their village who can make a difference to meet their goals and talk to them directly."

 Then he told a story of how there was a municiple official that wasn't taking care of his town so one of Putin's officials went down to see what the problem was, of course he went to the official's office and asked first, but the guy didn't know he was afraid to face the people for fear he was to be beaten. Putin's man took him out to the problem later the same day and the guy said that he was going to the bathroom.. Well the guy who was the official the elected one ran away he escaped from confrontation. This is why Putin says "voters should take more responsibility at elections. We need a comprehensive approach to strengthening the municiple government, which is very important to the countries main government. We must first look to our smaller parts before fixing the bigger parts."

     My question is why do we cast our vote into something we know nothing about for something we believe in and then realize after we are fighting the people who are trying to fight it themselves... Start with the small regions of Russia don't go after Putin himself, it's not him that's the problem. This is like an oil spill if we just take the boat with the oil away there is still the oil in the ocean. Clean the ocean and let the boat be taken care of by the people who know what they are doing.

     A second question is if you are worried about people in Russia instead of your own country, what is wrong with you? Canada, America.... The City of the Nation dictates much work and less fun, the sudo justice work of a nation that is so powerful it can't wait to pull the trigger. Pointing the barrel of a sawed off shot gun at any daughter or son that might think different, go figure. That we as free countries can't leave Iraq, North Korea, Russia or Afghanistan alone and they can't phone home to get medicine or cigar boxes, food is kept out in blockades for the wolves and the foxes. These Nations, visitations and declarations that make themselves bigger on the global map that swim with the sharks and tumbles the shacks that lays it's head down in the corporate lap. My Canada don't let pride get away in the ailing cause it is our system that is started to failing so look to the plants if you're feeling to wailing. Perhaps instead of building military bases on the property of nations that won't be fed your culture here we could lay down the law in our own country. Stop funding the flies. Stop taring down walls to fund guns in the fire. Stop funding the fight and start funding the farmer.

    Vladimir Putin is the best thing that has happened to the Russian people in a long time. Yes he is Conservative, but because of him there are less homeless people and probably half of the homeless were trens, bi, mono-sexual.  If we press more on Putin the likely thing is because of their governmental structure they will clamp down farther. Or you'll just fund the feed of the wrong action to the wrong government. talk to the the out side governmental authorities start the revolution from the outside in not the inside out. Russia is huge compared to our nations, it has suffered far more than we have so the speed at which they work. We were not oppressed by soviet or German rule. Stop trying to be the President, and if you want to be move to Russia and do so, don't fund a fight that can't happen without the knowledge of outer regions.

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